Mesolongi Museum of History and Art

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Location: Town
Don't miss: Museums guide (free admission dates and other useful info)

The Museum of History and Art is located right in the heart of Mesolongi, in the central square Botsari Markou. It is hosted in a two-floor neoclassical building that dates back in 1931 and has served in the past as the city hall.

The Museum hosts a wide variety of paintings related to the Greek Independence War period and the major figures of the Greek Revolution of 1821. The paintings belong to distinguished Greek and foreign artists, and depict scenes from the historic Exodus of Mesolongi and heroic fight scenes - including the renowned works of Delacroix "Greece on the ruins of Missolonghi”, copies of the major works of Theodore Vryzakis as well as Emile de Lasank’s "The sacrifice of the mother". There are also portraits of Greek majors and Philhellenes while there is an extensive collection of maps, busts, coins and costumes. Worth-seeing is also the exhibition of items and manuscripts of the major British poet Lord Byron, famous for his philhellenic action and love for the city of Mesolongi.



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