Hydra Monastery of Agia Matrona

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Location: Mandraki

A 40-minute hike from the island's center, Agia Matrona of Hydra is a simple monastery run by two nuns. It has a beautiful triple bell tower near its entrance, while it also houses a gorgeous, stone-built church! The temple has a characteristic octagonal dome with a similar pattern in its center, as well as a large chandelier, gilded candelabras, an iconostasis, and lots of iconographies on its walls.

This monastery is perfect for an early morning visit since it provides panoramic views over the port of Hydra, along with a refreshing breeze, given its altitude. Follow the rough pathway passing by the Monastery of Agia Fotini and visit Agia Matrona on its celebration day, the 20th of October each year!



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