Buses in Sifnos

Below, you can find all the needed information about the buses in Sifnos:
Bus tickets & pricesConditionFrequencyRoutes

In brief, the public buses of Sifnos connect Apollonia and Artemonas with all major villages and settlements of the island. They are a cheap and quite reliable means of transport around Sifnos, especially during the high season!

The main village of Sifnos, Apollonia, and the neighboring Artemonas, have itineraries to multiple spots around the island, including the villages of Kastro, Kamares, Vathi, and Faros, as well as the shores of Platis Gialos and Cheronissos!


Bus tickets

Note: Prices below are indicative and subject to change at any time.

Fares vary depending on the type of bus and the destination. Tickets are affordable (with a price of €2.00 or €2.50 per route), and you can get them upon boarding the bus.



All buses are modern and equipped with air-conditioning, ventilation systems, and plenty of luggage space without additional costs!



Sifnos buses offer itineraries throughout the year. The frequency of all routes is much higher from early May to late October, peaking during July and August, to better accommodate visitors and residents.
For a more accurate timetable regarding itineraries, visit the island's website to check out the latest schedules on www.sifnos.gr or call one of the available phone numbers (0030 22840 31977, 0030 22840 33661).
You can stop at one of the main stops found in all destinations or ask the driver to help you out by dropping you off at an in-between spot.


Bus Routes

Below you can find more information about the routes.

Important note: The following routes are indicative. Availability may change, depending on the season. Make sure to contact the bus offices prior to your arrival.

The majority of bus routes have Artemonas as their starting point, while all routes also feature a return trip.

  • • Artemonas → Apollonia - Kamares

    Availability: Every day from 07:00 to 00:00
    Duration: From 5 to 15 minutes

  • • Artemonas → Apollonia → Platis Gialos

    Availability: Every day from 07:00 to 00:00
    Duration: From 5 to 20 minutes

  • • Artemonas → Apollonia → Faros

    Availability: Every day from 07:00 to 23:00
    Duration: From 5 to 20 minutes

  • • Artemonas → Apollonia → Vathi

    Availability: Every day from 09:30 to 21:30
    Duration: From 5 to 25 minutes

  • • Artemonas → Cheronissos

    Availability: Every day from 08:45 to 20:30
    Duration: About 25 minutes

  • • Apollonia → Kastro

    Availability: Every day from 07:30 to 23:30
    Duration: Around 5 minutes

If bus availability doesn't meet your transportation needs, consider arranging a private transfer or renting a car.