Chios Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Chios. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Chios to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Telephone Area Code +30 22710

Municipality of Chios +30 22713 50873

Airport of Chios +30 22710 44260

Hospital of Chios +30 22713 50100

Health Center (Pyrgi) +30 22710 72465

Police Station +30 22710 44425

Port Authority +30 22710 44433

Post Office +30 27100 44350

Tourism Office (GNTO) +30 22710 24442

Tourist Police +30 22710 23211

Other Phones

Taxis +30 22710 41111

Bus Service (KTEL) +30 22710 24257

Bus Service (Urban) +30 22710 22079

Eurobank +30 22710-28402

Alpha Bank +30 22710 20510

Agrotiki Bank (Pyrgi) +30 22710 23406


Archaeological Museum +30 22710 44239

Byzantine Museum +30 22710 81337

Maritime Museum +30 22710 44139