Andros Weather

The weather in Andros is generally favorable and pleasant. Temperatures are quite mild all year long, even in the mountainous areas, due to the proximity of the sea. Even in the summer, the weather remains quite cool because of the meltemi winds blowing from the north and the many and waterfalls, refreshing the atmosphere. Higher temperatures can be found in the western part of Andros (from Gavrio to Steno) since the winds are less strong than in the east.

Andros has the highest levels of rainfall of all the Cyclades, but in summer rain will rarely occur. Snow can be spotted on the mountains in January and February. The best period to visit Andros is, like everywhere in Greece, spring and Easter time, to have the best weather and avoid the touristy summer rush. During the week visitors are fewer than during weekends since a lot of Athenians leave the city to relax for two days in Andros (winter and summer).

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Andros in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 20 25 25 25 23 20
Sea 16 19 22 24 25 23 22