Chania Kouloura beach

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General information

Kouloura Beach is a natural lagoon in the Halepa region of Chania, close to the city center and about one kilometer east of the Tampakaria district. The lagoon is surrounded by a formation of rocks that have isolated it from the rest of the sea, making it resemble a small turquoise pool, which is after all Kouloura’s nickname!

The favorite "pool" of the residents of Halepa is a common destination for locals, who want to relax from a stressful day in Kouloura’s rejuvenating waters. It is also not that rare for them to visit the lagoon in the wintertime for a dive, albeit for a shorter time!

Kouloura does not have an entrance of sand or pebbles, instead, there is a cement ramp from which you can dive in! The beach is not organized, yet locals bring their own chairs and assortments frequently, so they can enjoy the view of the sea before diving in their "pool".

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