Pelion Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Pelion. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Pelion to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Municipality of Argalasti +30 24230 54990

Municipality of Zagora +30 24260 22305

Municipality of Volos +30 24210 50100

Health Center Argalasti +30 24230 54611

Health Center Zagora +30 24260 22222

Health Center Portaria +30 24280 99106

General Hospital of Volos +30 24210 94200

Police Station Volos +30 24210 39049

Police Station Portaria +30 24280 99105

Police Station Zagora +30 24260 22529

Police Station Argalasti +30 24210 33253

Police Station Milies +30 24230 86222

Post Office Zagora +30 24260 22682

Tourist Police Volos +30 24210 29057

Port Authority Volos +30 24210 20115

Port Authority Trikeri +30 24230 91400

Other Phones

Taxis Volos +30 24210 61000

Taxis Portaria +30 24280 99350

Taxis Zagora +30 24260 22763

Taxis Milina +30 24230 65219

Taxis Lafkos +30 24230 65137

Ski Center Pelion +30 24280 74200

Agricultural Bank Zagora +30 24260 22500

Bus Service (KTEL) Volos +30 24210 33254


Archaeological Museum Volos +30 24210 25285

Folklore Museum Makrinitsa +30 24280 99505