Buses in Spetses
Below, you can find all the needed information about the buses in Spetses:
In brief, buses in Spetses are available only during the tourist season and operate two routes that reach the most popular beaches.
The bus is one of the available means of transfer in Spetses, but only during the high season, i.e. June 15th to September 15th.
Since all wheeled vehicles are prohibited within the town throughout the year, the two starting points of the buses are Agios Mamas Beach and Poseidonio Square.
The itineraries include the island's most famous beaches, like Agia Paraskevi, Agioi Anargiri, and Vrellos.
Bus Routes
You can find further details regarding the itineraries below.
Frequency and availability are subject to change. Make sure to double-check the timetables posted at the two starting points.
• From Agios Mamas Beach to Agia Paraskevi Beach
Availability: Twice a day from June 15th to June 30th and from September 1st to September 15th
Four times a day from July 1st to August 31st
Stops: Agios Mamas Beach - Agia Marina Beach - Kouzounos Beach - Xylokeriza Beach - Agioi Anargyri Beach - Agia Paraskevi Beach
Price: N/A -
• From Poseidonio Square to Vrellos Beach
Availability: N/A
Stops: Poseidonio Square - Kounoupitsa - Patralis - Spetses Hotel - Kaiki Beach - Scholes - Ksenia Hotel - Blueberry Hill - Ligoneri Beach - Ligoneri Settlement - Vrellos Beach
Price: N/A