Kefalonia Catholic Church of Saint Nicholas

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Location: Argostoli

The Catholic Church of Saint Nicholas in Kefalonia can be found on the extension of the central alleyway of Argostoli Town, Lithostroto Street. It is dedicated to Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors and the Navy.

This church, boasting a fantastic Byzantine-style design, has a large yellow bell tower and a light-blue peak, though it is mostly remembered for its gorgeous entrance. It houses a variety of small-sized statues, as well as one of the most well-known miraculous icons of Kefalonia, the icon of the Virgin Mary of Preveza.

Significant earthquakes caused the church to deteriorate and be in need of renovation. However, after the seismic 1953 earthquake, the Catholic Church of Saint Nicholas suffered catastrophic damages, causing it to be completely torn apart and rebuilt.

Being the only Catholic church on the entire island, it attracts numerous visitors during its Mass, taking place every Saturday evening and Sunday morning. It was officially recognized as a Religious Legal Person/Entity in July 2015.



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