Corfu Weather
The weather of Corfu is typical of the Mediterranean climate - summers are hot while winters are considered mild. Rain is frequent and abundant, especially during autumn and winter, reaching 1000 mm (40 inches) per year. Rainfall is rare during summer, though.
In brief, the weather in Corfu is very pleasant from May to September, when days are warm and sunny. The hottest month is August while te coldest is January. Rain is a common phenomenon, but not during summer.
Visiting from June to August guarantees the sunniest days. April to June is the ideal period to go hiking.
Below, you will find the average temperatures but we also propose information about the weather by month.
Average High & Low Air Temperature (in °C/°F)
Months | Air High | Air Low | Sea | Rainfall | Sunshine |
April | 20°C/64°F | 10°C/55°F | 15.5°C/60°F | 8 days | 8 Hours |
May | 24°C/73°F | 14°C/62°F | 18.5°C/65°F | 4 days | 10 Hours |
June | 29°C/80°F | 18°C/69°F | 22°C/72°F | 2 days | 11 Hours |
July | 32°C/84°F | 20°C/73°F | 24.5°C/76°F | 1 day | 12 Hours |
August | 33°C/84°F | 21°C/73°F | 26°C/78°F | 2 days | 12 Hours |
September | 28°C/78°F | 18°C/69.8°F | 24.5°C/76°F | 5 days | 10 Hours |
October | 24°C/73°F | 14°C/64°F | 22°C/72°F | 7 days | 7 Hours |
Weather by month
Discover the weather in Corfu by month:
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December
January is the coldest month in Corfu. The first month of the year comes with ample humidity and precipitation and limited sunshine.
The average temperature is 9.5°C/49°F (maximum: 14°C/57.2°F | minimum 9.5°C/49°F)
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to -1°C/30°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 17.5°C/64°F.
The day lasts approximately 9.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 4 hours.
Humidity reaches 78%, while the average speed of the wind is around 9 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is about 15°C/59.5°F. Hence, swimming is not recommended.
The weather is mild during the last month of winter. The levels of humidity and precipitation remain roughly the same as January's, but from late February onwards the temperature starts to slightly increase.
The average temperature is 10°C/50°F (maximum: 14.4°C/57.9°F | minimum 5.7°C/42.3°F).
On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature may drop to -0.5°C/31.5°F.
On the warmest days of the month, the temperature may reach 18.5°C/65.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 10.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 5 hours.
Humidity reaches 75%, while the average speed of the wind is around 10 kph (6mph).
The average sea temperature is about 14.5°C/58.5°F. Hence, swimming is not recommended.
March signals the start of spring. Mild temperatures continue throughout the month and no major changes are apparent until late March, yet the sun starts appearing a bit more and the temperature slowly rises.
The average temperature is 12.1°C/54°F (maximum:16.6°C/61.8°F | minimum 7.5 °C/45.6°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 2°C/36°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 21°C/70°F.
The day lasts approximately 12 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 6 hours.
Humidity reaches 75%, while the average speed of the wind is around 9 kph (6 mph).
The average sea temperature is about 14.5°C/58.5°F. Hence, swimming is not recommended.
Spring's traits start appearing; sunshine lasts more hours and the weather gets warmer. As rainfall is not so frequent also, April is the ideal month to visit Corfu if you are interested in hiking and exploring the island.
The average temperature is 15°C/59°F (maximum: 19.8°C/67.7°F | minimum 10.2°C/50.4°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 5.5°C/42°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 25°C/77.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 13.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 8 hours.
Humidity reaches 73%, while the average speed of the wind is around 8 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is about 15.5°C/60.5°F. Hence, swimming is not recommended.
May is perhaps the first warm month of the year. Sunny days are common and the bravest even start going to the beach for a swim. However, a breeze keeps people cool at night.
The average temperature is 19.4°C/67°F (maximum: 24.5°C/76.1°F | minimum: 14.2°C/57.6°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 10.5°C/50.5°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 30°C/85.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 14.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 10 hours.
Humidity reaches 71%, while the average speed of the wind is around 8 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is about 18.5°C/65.5°F. Hence, the waters are quite cool.
Summer is here! Rainfall is significantly reduced while the temperature is significantly increased. The first month of summer is hot and people start swimming in the sea.
The average temperature is 23.7°C/75°F (maximum 29.2°C/84.5°F | minimum 18.2°C/64.7°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 14°C/57.5°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 34.5°C/94.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 15 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 11 hours.
Humidity reaches 67%, while the average speed of the wind is around 7 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is 22°C/72°F. Hence, the waters are cool.
July offers the most sunshine hours to Corfu's people and visitors. The weather is hot and sunscreen, hats and glasses are almost mandatory during the day. The temperature of the sea is very pleasant, making it ideal for swimming.
The average temperature is 26.3°C/79°F (maximum 26.3°C/79°F | minimum 20.5°C/68.9°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 17°C/63°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 37°C/98.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 14.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 12 hours.
Humidity reaches 63%, while the average speed of the wind is around 8 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is 24.5°C/76.5°F. Hence, the waters are cool to warm.
August is the hottest month of the year. Similarly to July, the weather is hot and the waters of the sea are ideal for swimming. Nights are not as hot as the days, though, thanks to the island's nature.
The average temperature is 26.8°C/80°F (maximum 32.6°C/90.7°F | minimum 26.8°C/80°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 18°C/64.5°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 37°C/98.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 13.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 12 hours.
Humidity reaches 64%, while the average speed of the wind is around 7 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is 26°C/78.5°F. Hence, the waters are warm.
The first half of September could easily appertain to summer instead of fall. The weather during that period is quite similar to June's. Nonetheless, the first rainfalls start occurring in the last days of the month.
The average temperature is 22.8°C/73°F (maximum 27.8°C/82.1°F | minimum 17.7 °C/63.9°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 13°C/55.5°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 32.5°C/90.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 12.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 10 hours.
Humidity reaches 72%, while the average speed of the wind is around 8 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is 24.5°C/76°F. Hence, the waters are cool to warm.
The weather on October's non-cloudy days allows individuals to visit the beach or wander around the island, as the temperatures are neither very high nor very low. Rainfalls are often, though.
The average temperature is 19 °C/66°F (maximum 23.7°C/74.6°F | minimum 14.2°C/57.6°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 9°C/48°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 28°C/83°F.
The day lasts approximately 11 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 7 hours.
Humidity reaches 77%, while the average speed of the wind is around 7 kph (5 mph).
The average sea temperature is 22°C/72°F. Hence, the waters are cool.
November is considered mild for the time of year. Rain is a common phenomenon and humidity can reach 80%.
The average temperature is 14.8°C/59°F (maximum 19.2°C/66.5°F | minimum 10.4°C/50.7°F).
On the coldest nights (mainly on the first days of the month), the temperature may drop to 4.5°C/40°F.
On the warmest days (mainly on the last days of the month), the temperature may reach 23.5°C/74.5°F.
The day lasts approximately 10 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 5 hours.
Humidity reaches 79%, while the average speed of the wind is around 10 kph (6 mph).
The average sea temperature is 19°C/66.5°F. Hence, the waters are quite cool.
December is the coldest month of the year. When the sun goes down, the temperature may even drop to zero. Outdoor activities are not recommended during this month, especially swimming in the sea.
The average temperature is 11.1°C/52°F (maximum: 15.4°C/59.7°F | minimum 6.8°C/44.2°F).
On the coldest nights, the temperature may drop to 1°C/33.5°F.
On the warmest days, the temperature may reach 19.5°C/67°F.
The day lasts approximately 9.5 hours.
The sunshine lasts about 4 hours.
Humidity reaches 79%, while the average speed of the wind is around 9 kph (6 mph).
The average sea temperature is about 16.5°C/62°F. Hence, swimming is not recommended.