Travel to Zagorochoria by bus

The villages of Zagoria can be reached by bus from Ioannina. The town of Ioannina is connected by bus to Athens, Thessaloniki and many other Greek towns. There are daily buses from Athens and Thessaloniki to Ioannina.

Buses from Athens depart from Kifissos Bus Station (Bus 051 Omonoia-Kifissos and X93 Athens Airport-Kifissos) and the trip takes about 7 hours. The bus trip from Macedonia KTEL Station in Thessaloniki to Ioannina is about 3 hours.

From Ioannina, there are buses to almost all villages of Zagoria and certainly to the most popular villages, such as Papigo, Monodendri, and Konitsa. Depending on the village location, the duration varies from 40 min to 1 and half hour.

Travel to Zagoria by car

To travel from Athens to Zagoria by car, you follow the National Highway Athens-Patras. After you cross the cable bridge of Rio-Antirrio, you continue to Mesolongi and Ioannina. After you pass Ioannina, you follow the signs to the particular village of Zagoria where you want to go.

To go from Thessaloniki to Zagoria by car, you follow the Egnatia Odos from Thessaloniki to Ioannina and in Ioannina, you follow the signs to the particular village of Zagoria where you want to go.