Buses in Karpathos

Below, you can find all the needed information about the buses in Karpathos:
Bus tickets & pricesConditionFrequencyRoutes

In brief, Karpathos has a few KTEL buses connecting its capital, Pigadia, to most villages and settlements, as well as the airport. Moving around by bus is cost-efficient, but itineraries are not that frequent.
The most preferred means of transport in Karpathos is by car.

Despite buses being a quick, safe, and less expensive option for moving around the island, its infrequent routes make it more of a circumstantial choice.
Its routes include trips from Pigadia to the airport, some nearby villages, and the remote yet picturesque villages of Olympos and Diafani.


Bus tickets

Prices are subject to change at any time.

Bus ticket fares vary, depending on the type of bus and the destination. Tickets cost anywhere from €2 to €8, while you can buy your ticket inside the bus, too.



All buses are modern and are equipped with air-conditioning, a ventilation system, and plenty of luggage space (without an additional cost).



Some itineraries are available all year long but routes are more frequent in the summertime to help all guests and locals.
Bus stops are available at each destination, as well as some spots between the main villages. It is better to inform your driver of your destination beforehand.
Contact the station for useful information regarding stops and bus routes.

Karpathos KTEL Bus: Tel: 0030 22450 22338
E-mail: ktelkarpathou@gmail.com


Bus Routes

Below you can find more information about the routes. All routes start from Pigadia and feature a return trip

  • • To Aperi, Volada, Othos, and Pyles

    Availability: Monday to Friday at 07:00, 11:00 and 13:30
    Duration: 20 to 40 minutes

  • • To Olympos and Diafani

    Availability: Wednesday at 13:00 and Thursday at 08:45
    Duration: 60 to 90 minutes

  • • To Spoa and Mesochori

    Availability: Monday to Friday at 13:00
    Duration: Around 45 minutes

  • • To Menetes, Arkassa, and Finiki

    Availability: Monday to Friday at 13:30
    Duration: 15 to 35 minutes

  • • To Ammoopi

    Availability: Monday to Saturday at 10:00 and 15:35
    Duration: Around 15 minutes

  • • To Airport (Afiartis)

    Availability: Monday to Friday at 13:30
    Duration: Around 40 minutes

  • • To Vriontis General Hospital

    Availability: Monday to Friday at 07:00, 07:40, 09:30, 10:40, 11:00, 13:00, and 13:30
    Duration: Around 10 minutes

If bus availability doesn't meet your transportation needs, consider arranging a taxi pick-up or renting a car.

Important note: Availability may change, depending on the season. Make sure to contact the bus offices prior to your arrival if you want to be sure about the schedules.