How to get to Pelion?

Travel to Pelion, Greece: Visitors can travel to Pelion by bus or car. Here is travel information about buses and cars but also useful numbers, pdf guide.

Don't forget to get informed about local transportation in order to organize your transfer to your hotel and move around.


In order to reach Pelion, you need to travel to Volos first. Bus routes from Volos to almost every village of Pelion are carried out regularly. If you travel from Athens to Volos, you have to take the KTEL bus from Liossion bus station. You can get more specific information on


In order to reach Pelion from Athens by car, you need to drive through the National Greek Road Athina - Thessaloniki and follow the route to Lamia, Larisa and then Volos. When you reach Volos, you will follow the route to Pelion. The distance between Athens and Pelon is about 360 km.
In case you don't have your own vehicle, it is an excellent idea to rent one for your sightseeing trips!
> Rent your car to Pelion from Athens!

Flights near Pelion

There is no airport in Pelion. The closest one is Nea Anchialos National Airport in Volos. This airport serves a few low-cost flights from abroad and it operates only during summer. If you want to travel by plane, then you should better reach Athens or Thessaloniki in the first place, as Eleftherios Venizelos and Makedonia Airport receive flights all year round. Afterwards, you can reach Pelion by car or by KTEL bus, as mentioned above.



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