How to get to Nafpaktos?

Travel to Nafpaktos, Greece: Visitors can travel to Nafpaktos by bus or car. Here is travel information about buses and cars but also useful numbers, pdf guide.

Don't forget to get informed about local transportation in order to organize your transfer to your hotel and move around.


KTEL buses link Nafpaktos with many locations in Sterea and Peloponnese. From Athens, you can take the bus from Kifissos bus station and reach Nafpaktos via Rion - Antirion cable bridge within a 3-hour trip.
You can find specific information about routes and timetables on


In order to reach Nafpaktos from Athens by car, you need to drive through the National Road Athens-Corinth and after leaving the Corinth Canal you have to follow the route that leads you to Patra. After that, you need to drive on the cable bridge of Rion - Antirion and then follow the signs to Nafpaktos. Have in mind that after Corinth the road becomes a bit narrow, so you need to be more careful when driving. The distance between Athens and Nafpaktos is about 217 km.
In case you don't have your own vehicle, it is an excellent idea to hire one for your sightseeing trips!
> Rent your car to Nafpaktos from Athens!



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