Olympia Weather

Olympia, much like the rest of Greece, in general, has a warm Mediterranean climate. During the summer months, the weather tends to be hot and dry, but the usual seasonal winds relieve the sense of dryness. In addition, the evenings are usually nice and cool. In general, Greece enjoys fairly uniform weather due to its geographical position. However, during winter the weather in Greece can vary depending on the area. The south area, in which Olympia is included, has mild winters; while on the north side the temperature drops to lower temperatures. On the other hand, the fact that the Palaistra, where the athletes trained, had a covered structure of 4400 m2 indicates that bad weather can happen at Olympia during the year.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Olympia in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 15 18 23 26 28 25 20
Sea 14 17 22 25 25 23 22