Kefalonia Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Kefalonia. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Kefalonia to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Telephone Area Code +30 26710

Municipality of Kefalonia +30 26710 22933

Airport of Kefalonia +30 26710 29900

General Hospital of Argostoli +30 26710 24641

Hospital of Lixouri +30 26710 91233

Health Center (Sami) +30 26740 22222

Tourist Office (GNTO) +30 26710 22248

Post Office (Argostoli) +30 26710 22312

Tourist Police (Fiscardo) +30 26740 41460

Police Station (Argostoli) +30 26710 22200

Police Station (Lixouri) +30 26710 91207

Port Authority (Argostoli) +30 26710 22224

Port Authority (Fiscardo) +30 26740 41400

Other Phones

Taxis +30 26710 28545

Bus Service +30 26710 22281

Alpha Bank (Argostoli) +30 26710 25181

Emporiki Bank (Argostoli) +30 26710 22334


Archaeological Museum +30 26710 28300

Iakovatios Library +30 26710 91325

Natural History Museum (Davgata) +30 26710 84400

Fiscardo Nautical Museum +30 26740 41081