5th AegeanDocs International Documentary Film Festival
Finally the AegeanDocs International Documentary Film Festival produced by StoryDoc (www.storydoc.gr) is here for the 5th year, taking place in Mytilene, the capital of Lesvos Island, and will be also held in various other islands of the Aegean Sea such as Samos, Chios, Lemnos, Ikaria etc., from the 1st to the 6th of October. The festival is once more organized and supported by the North Aegean Region and with the collaboration of the University of the Aegean; it aims to screen the most important documentary productions globally given that some of these are from Turkey, Arabia and Africa. The chosen Greek, European and worldwide film productions include a combination of political, social and historical subjects. Of course, if you don’t have the opportunity to visit one of the islands in which the festival will take place, note that some of the documentaries will be available to watch via broadcasting (live streaming) exclusively to nearby Greek Islands.
For additional information, check the official page: www.aegeandocs.gr