The Cave of the Seven Virgins is located in the northeast part of Kalymnos, on the outskirts of Pothia. According to local legend, it was named after the seven girls who entered the cave seeking refuge from invading pirate forces. Unfortunately, they lost their way inside the dark and winding cave and were never seen again. Also known as the Sanctuary of the Nymphs, this natural formation once served as an ancient religious center.
The Cave of the Seven Virgins is 12 meters high, 17 meters wide, and 60 meters long. Inside is a small lake with stone stairs leading into the water. The worshiping activity used to take place in an area to the left of the entrance. Some Neolithic tools and religious offerings have been found inside the cave. The findings are currently displayed in the Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos.
Although a visit to this cave can prove very interesting, it can be a bit hazardous. Continuous landslides have blocked most of the entrance and interior, while the low passages that lead there make entering and traversing the cave extremely challenging. Anyone embarking on this journey is advised to keep these factors in mind and proceed cautiously.
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