The 7 Wonders in the Planetarium
The official presentation of the new digital show “7 Wonders of the World” will be hosted by the New Digital Planetarium of Evgenidou Foundation, on the special event that will take place on Monday, October 6, 2008 at 19.00 pm. (Sygrou Av. 387, Palaio Faliro, Athens)
The planetarium's manager Mr. Dionysis Simopoulos will present the show to the public, inaugurating the 6th winter operation period of the New Digital Planetarium, one of the biggest and most well equipped digital Planetariums in the world.
A unique time travel will be presented, traveling from the Cheop's Pyramid and the Zeus Statue in Olympia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, and the Sanctuary of Artemis in Ephesus to the Rhodes Colossus and the Alikarnassos Mausoleum. The audience will have the chance to watch "closely" the architectural structure of these ancient world creations that have been fairly characterized as "Wonders".
What follows the show is beyond imagination, since visitors will be led out of our planet, to the 7 wonders of our Solar System and the 7 Wonders of the Universe. Comets and Space Storms, Volcanoes and frozen Planets, star-nurseries, Black Holes and Super Nova explosions are only a few of those presented on the huge Planetarium Dome.