Comicdom Con Festival 2015 in late April
Comics enthusiasts, cartoonists, colourists and imaginative cosplayers are welcome to the greatest and only Greek comics festival, taking place on April 24th-26th in Athens. Comicdom Con Athens 2015 is organized by the Hellenic American Union and the non-profit organization Comicdom Press for the 10th time and will be again held at the premises of the Hellenic American Union.
Comicdom Con Athens has been created according to the standards set by international comics convention and aims at introducing the 9th Art to the Greek and international audience. The list of international guests this year includes famous names, such as the Irish artist Declan Shalvey and American colorist Jordie Bellaire. The festival gives the opportunity to comics and graphic novels creators, students or just lovers of the world of comics, to live an once-in-a-lifetime entertaining and educational experience.
The programme of this year's Comicdom Con Athens has been enriched with several interesting activities and dazzling exhibitions and shows. There will be original art exhibitions, displaying pieces from renowned collections, such as the Cartoon Art Museum of San Fransisco, and original pages from significant comics artists, like Milton Caniff, Sergio Aragones, Mort Walker, Jules Feiffer, Patrick McDonell and others. The personal exhibition of the well-known Greek artist Ilias Kiriazis and the Cosplay photo exhibition of Spiridon Kakouris will also be presented.
Visitors will also have the chance to enjoy screenings of movies, documentaries and cartoons, and also participate in creative workshops, where they will be introduced to the process of illustrating and script writing. A Greek comics stores and publishers bazaar will also be available, as well as publisher spotlights and activities for children.
And most importantly, the festival will include a sketch event with the participation of international and Greek sketchers and designers, the Greek Comics Awards and the famous Cosplay Competition. The winner of the competition will represent Greece in this year's Euro Cosplay Competition in MCM EXPO in London.
Admission to all events of Comicdom Con Athens 2015 is free, but may need booking in advance.
For more info and schedule, see the website of: Comicdom Con Athens Festival