Kefalonia Napier Garden

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Location: Argostoli

The Napier Garden of Kefalonia is a lush park full of beautiful flowers and trees located in the heart of Argostoli, near Vallianos Square. It was created in the early 19th century, during the British rule on the island, by the governor of Kefalonia, Charles James Napier, who was a supporter of the Greek people. It was intended as a place for his kids to play and remained in the family’s possession until 1905. The Municipality of Argostoli then acquired it in 1905 and turned it into a public park.

The garden is enclosed in stone walls that are fitting to the traditional architectural style of Kefalonia. Visitors will be able to see a Memorial for those killed during war times, a bust of Napier, as well as a delightful gazebo created with the original plan in mind.

A visit to Napier Park is certainly worth it when in Argostoli. It is an idyllic spot for strolling around or simply relaxing on the benches. It stays open until late, as the lighting is sufficient. Certain events also take place in the garden from time to time.



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