Aisxylia Festival

Sep 11, 2016 — Nov 15, 2016 • Category: Events

This year, within the context of the Aisxylia Festival, visitors will have the opportunity to interact with an extraordinary masterpiece of the installation art, the innovative FEED ME project. Based on the original idea of the Romanian artists Noper (Radu Pop) and Saint Machine (Marilena Oprescu Singer), FEED ME is an artistic experiment that explores the relation between artefact and viewer, as well as challenges the boundaries of their interaction.
The FEED ME experience is centered to the “Uterus Tra”, a giant 9-meter long capsule made of steel and aluminium, that is constituted by variously shaped metallic triangles. To bring the artefact to life, the visitor must enter the womb’s interior, where every notion and movement activates special sensors that cause the installation to “come alive”. It is only with the energy produced by the guests that the installation feeds on, therefore justifying its name. This unique conception will be exhibited from 11/09 to 15/11 at the cultural center “Leonidas Kanellopoulos” of Elefsina, while for more informationa as well as details regarding the creation of the installation, check out