Museums in Pelion

Pelion is a region with original character and interesting history. There are many folklore museums to visit in the villages of Pelion that show the special ways of life in this region. Very interesting is the Folklore Museum in Makrinitsa, housed in an elegant 19th-century mansion. In the center of Milies, visitors can see the Municipal Library that also works as a museum. On the top floor, this library houses many rare books from the 17th century, flags, portraits of important figures and traditional costumes.

In Zagora, a village of eastern Pelion, there is the Greek Museum (Ellinomouseio). This name was given to the old school where Rigas Valestinlis Fereos studied, an important figure of the pre-revolutionary times in Greece. This building, also known as the School of Rigas, was also the school of other famous heroic Greeks, like Anthimos Gazis, Grigoris Konstantas, and Kallinikos Lapatis. Near the school, visitors can find the famous library of Zagora which has more than 15,000 old books and manuscripts.