7th Rebetiko Seminar in mid July
For the 7th consecutive year, Skyros Island hosts the Rebetiko Song Seminar, a journey to the Greek urban folk music, covering the period from 1935 to 1955. The seminar will be held at the Folklore Museum Manos and Anastasia Faltaits on July 12th-19th, 2015. This unique and important event aims at preserving the Greek folk song, namely rebetiko, and creating a hospitable ambience for interaction between locals and international people with the same love for music.
The seminar and the parallel public events have become an institution, formed not only by Greeks, but by people from all over Europe. During the seminar, participants will discover the traces of the urban folk music from 1935 to 1955 and explore its codes, rhythms and modes. The seminar includes the analysis of the songs and live concerts at beautiful taverns in the evenings.
In order to participate to the seminar, a fundamental level of skills on bouzouki, guitar, tzoura or baglama is required by participants, so it is not suggested for beginners.
More info and registration at: Rebetiko Seminar