Spetses Mini Marathon 2014
Spetses Mini Marathon is organized this October for the 4th consecutive year, after its large participation over the previous years. Taking place from October 10th-12th, Spetses Mini Marathon 2014 includes in total 8 sports, after the addition of the popular 10km run race, the non-competitive My First Spestes Mini Marathon for children and parents, and also the complete Kosta-Spetses swimming competition.
In detail, these are the races of Spetses Mini Marathon:
- 5 km running
- 10 km running
- 25 km running (the round race of the island)
- 3000 m Kosta-Spetses swimming
- 5000 m Spestes-Kosta-Spestes swimming
- Kids 0-5 y.o. 500 m running
- Kids 6-12 y.o. 1000 m running
- Kids 8-12 y.o. 150 m swimming
Many parallel events will take place these two days, including a guided tour to the Anargyrios and Kargialenios School of Spetses, a feast with local pies prepared by the Women Association of Spetses, and a pasta night.
For more info and registration at: Spetses Mini Marathon