Sparti Archaeological Museum

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The Archaeological Museum of Sparti Peloponnese: The Archaeological Museum of Sparti was built in 1874 by architect G. Katsaros. Later in 1930, two more rooms were added to the main building. The museum is renowned for the archaeological exhibits excavated within and around the town of ancient Sparta, one of the most famous city-states of the Greek antiquity.

The museum owns a number of valuable archaeological collections ranging from the prehistoric era to the Roman era. Some of the prehistoric samples came from all over Laconia and Arcadia. The important categories exhibited include prehistoric collections, Roman sculptures, mosaics and columns from ancient temples.

A very important collection showcases part of the Temple of goddess Artemis. The temple dates back to 10th century BC. The remains of the temple reveal the rich spiritual values that Greece preserved in the ancient age. The artifacts found in the temple are made of different types of materials, including ivory, clay, and stone. Within the museum, there are also parts of the Temple of Apollon in Amycles.

Moreover, the museum hosts a collection of 7th-century clay amphorae that are characterized by relief decorations. The stele is another important exhibit showcased at the museum. It is the Laconian type exhibit, which dates back to 6th century BC. It has figures of couples on both sides. On one side is Menelaos with Helen, and on the other side, Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. On the narrow ridge that separates the two faces, there are snakes.

The museum reveals that a wealthy Spartan culture existed in the ancient Greek. The mosaic samples found in the museum, especially the one that depicts the head of Achilles speaks out this fact. Many Greek mythological characters can be seen depicted on the mosaics, such as god Helius, sea god Triton and the Abduction of Europa by Zeus. The museum is located at Osiou Nikonos Street, 71.



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