Travel to Patra by bus, car, train

There are daily buses from Athens to Patra every hour. The bus trip from Athens to Patra is 4 hours and buses depart from Kifissos KTEL Bus Station. To go to Kifissos KTEL Bus Station, passengers have to take Bus 051 from Omonoia or Bus X93 from the airport of Athens. The bus trip from Pyrgos to Olympia is about 30 min.

Travel to Patra by car

To go from Athens to Patra by car, you follow the National Highway Athens-Corinth. After the Corinth Canal, you follow the signs to Patra. Although the road from Athens to Corinth is very good, the road from Corinth to Patra is narrow and has only one line per direction, which is why extra attention is required by drivers.

Travel to Patra by train

There are daily trains from Athens to Patra but the trip is larger and more tiring than taking the bus. Passengers take the Proastiakos Train from Athens to Kiato and there they change and take another train from Kiato to Patra.