Monemvasia Agia Paraskevi

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General information

Agia Paraskevi village Monemvasia: Agia Paraskevi is one of the most picturesque villages in Monemvasia located 7 km south west of the town and close to other villages, such as Nomia and Agios Stefanos. These locations, as well as Agia Paraskevi itself are gifted with several pristine beaches.

Regarding the comfortable ways of getting to there, usually the most practical is to rent a car, as there is no bus service leading to the town. The village of Agia Paraskevi provides close accommodation options, mainly in the form of complexes and nice hotels, surrounded by a truly nice environment. Regarding the village itself, apart from offering certain facilities, it is obviously characterized by the typically quiet atmosphere of such locations.

The main resources of Monemvasia and its villages are still related to agriculture and have not been replaced by tourism industry. Agia Paraskevi village keeps its traditional vibe untouched, offering visitors the chance of experiencing the tranquil Greek way of life.

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