Ermioni Pigadia beach

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General information

Pigadia beach Ermioni: Pigadia beach is found 15 km east of Ermioni town and 88 km north west of Nafplion. The beach is not one of the popular tourist spots, but it is worth a visit. The geology of the area is forested and rocky creating a beautiful landscape, ideal for relaxation.

One of the most important sources of Ermioni's income in the past used to come from the Porphyra, which is the name of a particular seashell. This source of income came from ancient times, when the red dye of the shells was used to color the clothes of the kings. So if you are planning to dive in Pigadia, you may be able to admire these shells.

Another interesting thing to do is fishing, which is a very important activity in Ermioni. Swimming in the sparkling blue waters watching the sunset is also a good option Tourists can prepare delicious barbecues which, accompanied by a great wine or traditional ouzo, give us the perfect conditions to spend a beautiful evening with our friends and family. Pigadia Beach is one of the most enjoyable places in Ermioni. Visitors can swim, dive, take excursions or just enjoy of the panoramic views.

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