Photo Contest 2015: Time to vote top 20 photos
• Category: Members News
We are happy to present you the 100 photos that we have selected for Greeka Photo Contest 2015.
Members can now vote for up to 20 photos. Candidates cannot vote for their own pictures.
If you are not logged in as a member in Greeka, first make sure you log in and then you can access the voting page.
Choose your top 20 photos and then click the button "Vote" at the end of the page. After you have submitted your selection, you won't be able to vote again.
Deadline for this voting is December 23rd, 2015. Another voting will follow with the top 25 photos.
Restriction: Only members who have uploaded at least one photo in their account in Greeka until October 2015 are eligible to vote.
Posted by: on Dec 16, 2015