Protect the olive trees of Crete

• Category: News
35 cultural associations in Crete have taken the initiative to save and protect the historical olive trees that are scattered all over the island, from one side to the other. This effort, which is scientifically supported by the Technical University of Crete, aims to protect these olive tress which very frequently are destroyed by house building or by the construction of public tress. Scientists claim that these olive trees may be centuries old and it would not be surprising if they dated even from the ancient times. It is known that Crete has been a huge olive oil producer since the Minoan times, when olive oil was exported to all Mediterranean Sea. Cultural and environmental groups will register these olive trees in all Crete and will protect them from human activities. The aim is to make a map, in one year from today, which will present the spots where these trees are found and will show their age. Moreover, an effort has begun to make a documentary about the historical olive grove of Crete. This documentary will be translated in many languages in order to promote the natural beauty of the island.