Drama Short Film Festival 2016
Since its establishment in 1978, Drama’s Short-Film Festival managed to evolve from a small gathering of cinema lovers into a major festival with international appeal; indeed, these days the small town of Drama in Northern Greece is preparing to host its 22nd International Short-Film Festival and 39th National Film Festival, drawing worldwide attention and a variety of artists who do not only compete for the monetary prize but wish to stand out and start off their career in the world of cinema.
This year holds a very special record, as more than 200 short-films were submitted by aspiring directors, highlighting the importance of the festival and innovative artistic force which is showcased through its program. Guests will have to opportunity to choose between screenings of european productions, as well as greek and balkan ones, while there is also a student contest regarding digital media as well as special kids program.
This year the festival will take place from 19 to 24 September - for further info, as well as the festival’s detailed program, please visit the official website: dramafilmfestival.gr.