Thessaloniki Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Thessaloniki. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Thessaloniki to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Telephone Area Code +30 2310

Municipality of Thessaloniki +30 2310 877777

Airport of Thessaloniki +30 2310 473212

General Hospital of Thessaloniki Achepa +30 2310 993059

General Hospital of Thessaloniki Papageorgiou +30 2310 693000

Police Station +30 2310 388000

Port Authority +30 2310 513005

Post Office +30 2310 277434

Tourist Office (GNTO) +30 2310 252170

Tourist Police +30 2310 554874

Other Phones

Taxis +30 2310 218600

Bus Service (Urban) +30 2310 981100

Bus Service (KTEL) +30 2310 510835

Alpha Bank +30 2310 531815

Emporiki Bank +30 2310 019550

Geniki Bank +30 2310 902500


Archaeological Museum +30 2310 830538

Balkan Wars Museum +30 2310 716000

Byzantine Museum +30 2310 267832

Cinema Museum +30 2310 508397

Jewish Museum +30 2310 250406

Museum of Contemporary Art +30 2310 240002