Kefalonia Natural History Museum

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Location: Davgata
Don't miss: Museums guide (free admission dates and other useful info)

Note: This museum is closed until further notice.

The Natural History Museum of Kefalonia is housed in Davgata, a small museum about 5 km north of Argostoli, the capital of the island. This small yet very interesting museum was established in 1996 by the municipality of Davgata, with the contribution of the Society for the Protection of the Environment of Kefalonia and Ithaca, which donated many of the exhibits and collections.

The aim of the Natural History Museum is to preserve and present the environmental history and the ecological importance of the two islands. Most exhibits come from Mount Ainos, which is one of the 10 protected natural reserves in Greece. They date from the period when Kefalonia and Ithaca emerged from the sea.

There is a room dedicated to the flora and fauna of Kefalonia, another room for human traces on the island during the Prehistoric and the Ancient Times and a room for the natural reserve of Mount Ainos, where a collection of shells can also be seen.

Right next to the museum, there is another building that houses the Centre of Environmental Education with a large collection of shells from across the world and a room dedicated to dinosaurs. Many seminars, performances, and educational programs are organized in this Centre. In 2001, the Museum of Natural History of Kefalonia was awarded by the Academy of Athens for its work.



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