Ithaca Weather

The weather in Ithaca is similar to the climate of the other Ionian Islands: it is a mild and Mediterranean climate, composed of dry and hot summers and rainy and mild winters, with temperatures rarely falling below 0 degrees. The Ionian Islands have an annual average of rainfall three times higher than that of the Aegean islands, among which are the Cyclades islands. For that reason, Ithaca and all the Ionian islands are particularly verdant, with dense vegetation, large forests covering a great amount of the total area and many fertile plains.

It is, therefore, a totally different landscape than the usual image lots of people are expecting to see when visiting a Greek island, believing all are similar to the Cyclades, arid and clear of any vegetation.  The Ionian climate gives to the Ionian Islands a unique and magical landscape consisting of an astonishing combination of verdant trees and vegetation and crystalline emerald green or deep blue waters. The wind in Ithaca, and in all the Ionian islands, is not as strong as in the Cyclades, for there is no meltemia (north winds) during the summer time.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Ithaca in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 15 18 23 27 22 18 18
Sea 14 17 21 23 23 21 20