Zagorochoria Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Zagorochoria. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Zagorochoria to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Telephone Area Code +30 26510

Municipality of Central Zagoria +30 26533 60300

Municipality of Eastern Zagoria +30 26560 31101

Health Center (Aspraggeli) +30 26530 22551

Health Center (Tsepelovo) +30 26530 81202

Police Station (Aristi) +30 26530 41294

Police Station (Tsepelovo) +30 26530 81201

Post Office (Tsepelovo) +30 26530 81212

Tourist Office (GNTO) Ioannina +30 26510 41142

Tourist Police (Ioannina) +30 26510 65922

University Hospital of Ioannina +30 26510 99111

Other Phones

Taxis (Ioannina) +30 26510 46777

Bus Service (KTEL) Ioannina +30 26510 26286

Alpha Bank (Ioannina) +30 26510 20127

City Bank (Ioannina) +30 26510 83260

Emporiki Bank (Ioannina) +30 26510 27005


Lazarides Folklore Museum +30 26530 71775

Rizarios Centre +30 26533 60323