Samos Useful numbers

Here are the most useful telephone numbers that a tourist might need in Samos. In this page, we have gathered the phone numbers of the local municipality, the police station, the health center and other tourist services in Samos to help you organize your trip better or act quickly in case of emergency.


Telephone Area Code +30 22730

Municipality of Vathy +30 22733 50100

Airport of Samos +30 22730 87800

General Hospital +30 22730 83100

Police Station (Vathy) +30 22730 22100

Port Authority +30 22730 27318

Post Office +30 22730 28800

Tourist Office (EOT) +30 22730 28582

Tourist Police (Karlovassi) +30 22730 32444

Other Phones

Taxis +30 22730 28404

Bus Service (KTEL) +30 22730 27262

Bus Service (Urban) +30 2273025276

Alpha Bank (Karlovassi) +30 22730 38203

Alpha Bank (Vathy) +30 22730 24687

Agricultural Bank (Vathy) +30 22730 23239


Archaeological Museum (Pythagorion) +30 22730 61400

Archaeological Museum (Vathy) +30 22730 27469

Folklore Museum (Karlovasi) +30 22730 62286

Natural History Museum (Mytilini) +30 22730 52055