Presentation for Environmental Awareness in Ikaria

Aug 10, 2005 — Aug 10, 2005 • Category: Events

Covering the need for environmental information in the communities of the Aegean islands is top priority for Archipelagos. With this objective they organize events for local communities and island schools throughout the year.
Archipelago in collaboration with the local association Kavo Papa organized a massive Presentation in the village of Karkinagri, Ikaria on the 10th of August.
The presentation stressed on the special biological importance of marine and terrestrial environment of Ikaria, as well as on the need for its conservation using original photographic and video material of the marine ecosystems of the region. It also described the different factors impacting the local environment, and the methods to manage or restrict them.
The commencement of operation of the Center of Environmental and Agricultural Research of the Aegean Sea in Rahes, Ikaria was also announced and the ways in which can be useful to the local communities were elaborated upon. The mode of operation of the Seed Bank of the Center was also described, along with the importance of the conservation of plant genetic material and the mode of collaboration with the local communities so that local seed collection can be more efficient.
A lengthy and informative discussion followed the presentation, where topics related to environmental conservation, the safe management of dangerous/hazardous materials that are being used in the villages (e.g. batteries, engine oil, asbestos, chemical pesticides), and how a small community can manage and dispose of them at appropriate locations were discussed at length.
The mayor of the Municipality of Rahes, many members of the town council, and a number of residents of Karkinagri and from the wider region of Rahes participated in this discussion.
Organized and executed with collaboration with the local association Kavo Papa, this presentation was part of the year round effort on the part of Archipelago to increase environmental awareness and encourage environmental conscious activities amongst the local communities and students of the island.