Rocket War 2023

Apr 16, 2023 — Apr 16, 2023 • Category: Events
Location: Vrondados

Taking place every Easter, the annual Rocket War of Vrondados is a risk-filled yet rewarding battle event occurring between two opposing church buildings and their loyal followers on the night of the Anastasis (the resurrection of Jesus).

Back after two years of absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the custom of Rocket War on the island of Chios is again ready to shake things up following its success in 2022! This Easter Saturday, right before the clock ticks midnight, an estimate of over 10000 rockets will fly over the sky, filling it with wild colors and flames. This year’s event will also be video-recorded (with the help of the world-famous director Darren Aronofsky) and displayed at the MSG Sphere in Las Vegas, Nevada!

This high-risk tradition consists of thousands of self-made rockets, which are ignited and thrown between two “rival” churches in the area of Vrondados, creating a fiery spectacle! Each team is trying its best to aim and directly hit the opposing bell tower. The origin is said to have stemmed from the times of Ottoman rule where, until 1889, instead of homemade bottle rockets, the residents were using actual small-sized cannons. It is considered to be one of the biggest tourist attractions of the island, hence it has survived through the times despite all the dangerous possibilities it may include.
