Dramatical performance of the Apocalypse
Jul 26, 2012 — Aug 03, 2012 • Category: Events
Like in 2011, visitors to Patmos this summer will have the chance to live a special experience. The theatre group Techni based on Patmos will represent, for the second summer in the row, the dramatical performance of the Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse) that was written on the island more than 2,000 years ago. This performance will take place in the amphitheatre outside the historical Cave of Apocalypse, where Apostle John was inspired the Book, according to the tradition. Parts of the play have been translated in four languages (English, French, Italian and German), making it easier for world-tourists to attend the event. The main language of the play will be modern Greek and the translation from ancient to modern Greek was made by the Abbott of the Patmos Monastery of Saint John, Archimandrite Theologos Antipas. The performance was directed by two German directors, Barbara Hoffmann and Till Sterzenbach, who live permanently on the island for many years. In 1995, Barbara Hoffmann had also directed a play inspired by the Apocalypse for the celebration of the 2,000 years since the writing of the text. Original music has been composed for the play by Spiros Papanastasiou, while the stage design is credited to Hans Hoffer, scenographer, teaching at the University of Music and Acting Arts of Vienna. The play is scheduled for 8 shows, July 26th-30th and August 1st-3rd, 2012.
More info at: Techni Patmos
Posted by: Greeka.com on Jun 26, 2012