Leros Weather

Leros weather: The island of Leros, as well as many other islands of the Dodecanese group, usually enjoy good weather, regulated by the Mediterranean Sea. Throughout the year, its mild temperatures range between 13º and 20º in the Celsius scale. Another good point about Leros is its sheltered places from bad weather, like Partheni Bay on the North part of the island. In case of going on a yacht, this is ideal for safe mooring. Anchoring is allowed on the East side since the South and the South-west coasts are military areas and anchoring or taking pictures of the area is prohibited.

Lakki, the main port of the island is another example of this feature, as it is naturally protected and is the largest natural port on the Mediterranean Sea.  As the weather is the main subject when it comes to vacations, Greece is very well reputed in this sense. In the particular case of Leros, its best can be found from Easter to October. In fact, in this period most of the facilities are available for visitors, although it is possible to make some proper arrangements in order to get accommodation for the rest of the year.

Average Air & Sea Temperature in Leros in °C
  April May June July August September October
Air 17 21 25 29 29 25 21
Sea 17 20 22 24 25 23 22