Milos Plathiena beach
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ablutsauger 06 Oct 2015Very good to excellentI have mixed feelings about Plathiena, but I decided to give it five stars anyway, although I'm sure most people would rate it five anyway, and I warmly recommend it.
- Nice view at the open sea.
- Plathiena is recognizable for its many sea colour shades, and you can see it in my photos.
- Arkoudes is near.
- The best sunset.
- The beach looks magnificent from Plaka, because of its different colour.
- Wonky seabed. It starts with pebbles, and getting into water is a torture. Then at one point and very deep water, after 50 meters, the pebbles turn into sand and the water becomes completely shallow, and you have to walk a lot to get it to the deep water again.
- The coast is not that big and super-beautiful.