Churches in Iraklia

Given the small size of Iraklia, visitors will find a few churches scattered in the entire island. It is worth mentioned that both settlements of Iraklia are named after their churches that were built through the centuries. Chora or else Agios Georgios was named after the church of Agios Georgios, the largest church of Iraklia. It is built in 1834 above the main settlement. On April 23rd, there is a great festival with local food and music.

The largest church of the Iraklia is dedicated to the Virgin Mary and lies in the picturesque village of Panagia. It was founded between 1919 and 1930. Right next to it, lies the small chapel of Agios Nektarios. At the highest peak of the island lies the church of Prophet Elias. Iraklia has a few caves of unique interest but you will have to walk to discover them. The most important is the cave of Saint John (Agios Ioannis) with stalagmites and stalactites. It takes about two hours from the port.