Marylin Monroe in the Arts
Apr 16, 2011 — Oct 30, 2011 • Category: Events
It has been nearly half a century since the unexpected death of Marilyn Monroe. The best recognized American actress and an appealing persona, she has run a 16-year career and yet her myth lives till today. Through time she became a major Hollywood icon while revealing a strong, at times vulnerable, yet intriguing personality.
She is one of the few people that have managed to build a myth around their individuality and become known to every part of the world. Leaving her glamorous life at the young age of 36 has left room for many rumors. However, no doubt Marilyn Monroe has won a place in history as a sex symbol and a charismatic artist.
Marilyn Monroe's iconic presence has been the major theme in many exhibitions around the world. This time, the Institute for Cultural Exchange in Germany and the DEKK International Exhibition Center in Gouves, Heraklion Crete, have joined to present the exhibition entitled Marilyn Monroe In The Arts. It is mostly a special approach to this phenomenal woman lighting the myth and the process of its creation.
200 works of art by 80 artists are hosted in this exhibition and present a pop culture figure through a complete photo set, which includes written and other documents, studio recordings, paintings and other interesting things connected with her life, honoring this controversial personality. The exhibition focuses in many different aspects of her short lifespan, her social image and the Hollywood star system.
The exhibition will be shown at the International Exhibition Centre of Crete from April 16th to October 30th, 2011.
Posted by: on Apr 18, 2011