Located just 10 kilometers west of Chania, in the small village of Agia, Agia Lake is a popular spot for birdwatching. Despite its small size, the lake hosts over 200 species of migratory and native birds, insects such as dragonflies, as well as rare species of amphibians and ferns, and as such it has earned its inclusion in the Natura 2000 network.
The lake of Agia was created in 1928 as part of a hydroelectric power plant. However, the plant was eventually abandoned, allowing the lake to develop into one of the most ecologically significant wetlands in Crete.
Book an unforgettable Tour in Chania or get there with your own rental car.
The lake's waters come mainly from Xekolomenos stream to its east and do not dry out during the summer. A stroll around the lake will allow visitors to explore the thriving ecosystem. Following the path on the lake’s western bank, one can also admire the former power plant, which requires crossing a small arched bridge over the artificial waterfalls that formed the necessary currents for power production.
The best times of the year to go there for birdwatching are autumn and spring. It is also recommended to visit the lake early in the morning or just before sunset.
Facilities available in this area include two cafes that have become quite popular due to their view of the lake.
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