In the coastal town of Drapetsona, near the port of Piraeus, the now abandoned fertilizer factory of “Lipasmata Drapetsonas” has been turned into a multi-space leisure park, that sees numerous visitors every year.
Once a bustling industrial center employing thousands of people, the factory of fertilizers was abandoned in 1999. Then, the space turned into a deserted area, with tons of rubble and rubbish polluting the environment. That was until concerted efforts from the municipal authority to turn the area into a lively public space, aiming to serve a comfortable and free space to visitors, with construction beginning in 2017.
Today, Lipasmata Worker’s Park provides a spacious and leisurely venue for locals and visitors alike to enjoy. Guests can feel free to relax with the accompaniment of a drink or a coffee served at the canteen and the on-site playground and open-space courts make it an ideal spot for families. An open theater and concert venues are also present, with various festivals taking place there. Eight of the old industrial buildings of the factory remain well-preserved as well, offering a glimpse into the area’s history, while the park also overlooks the entrance of the port, where guests can watch big ships enter and leave.
Lipasmata Worker’s Park is free of admission and is open every day from 06:00 to 02:00.
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