Prestigious award for the Acropolis Museum
• Category: News
After a competition organized by the Journalists Union and Tourist Authors of Great Britain, the Acropolis Museum was awarded as The Best Museum of the World. The award was received by the State Secretary for Culture and Tourism George Nikitiadis last Saturday night in a special reception in London.
In his speech, Mr Nikitiadis thanked the hosts of the event for this prize and found a chance to raise again the issue of the return of the Acropolis Marbles in Athens. In particular, he said that the last wall fell for the British Museum as the marbles now have a proper home. This was actually the main argument of the British Museum against the return of the Marbles, that there was no proper place to host them, an argument that has been demolished after this awarded.
This award, which has a history of 50 years, is given to places that have been constructed the last two years and that have huge benefits for the local tourism, community and the environment. Among the other contestants were Ulster Museum in Dublin Ireland, whose exhibits range from dinosaur fossils to works of modern art, and the water kingdom Siam Park in Tenerife.
Posted by: on Nov 09, 2010