Preparation for Special Olympics opening
Jun 25, 2011 — Jun 25, 2011 • Category: Events
Recently, the Central Archaeological Council has announced that the opening ceremony for the Special Olympics, which will take place in Panathenaic Stadium on June 25th, will be a spectacular display representing Homer's Odyssey. The show will be accompanied by music, dance and special lighting. The meaningful content of the Odyssey serves as a reference point for the children with physical disabilities.
This huge project will consist of a movable construction in the form of a ship and nine jacked platforms for the elevation of people up until 6 meters high. In the centre of the stadium's arena, there will be a podium and two other stages. However, according to the organizers, the constructions will be irreversible and they will not stand above the ancient parts of the stadium, therefore they can not cause any damages to the monument. The closing ceremony will include mostly dances and songs from Greek traditional bands.
Posted by: on Feb 04, 2011