Exhibition of Myrtis at the airport
Jun 01, 2010 — Dec 31, 2010 • Category: Events
A very important photography exhibition will be hosted for the period June-December 2010 in the International Airport of Athens, contributing in presenting a great scientific work to the wide public. The most important exhibit is the reformed face of Myrtis, an 11-year-old girl who lived in ancient Athens and whose figure was reformed from the relics of her head.
Everything started in 1994-95 during the archaeological excavations for the construction of Athens metro system. Particularly, in the region of Kerameikos, archaeologists found a massive tomb of 150 people that dated from 430-426 BC, during the first Peloponnesian War, when Athens was hit by plague. Among the bones, scientists found the head of an 11-year-old girl, Myrtis, as was named by them. The excellent state of the head made it possible for the research orthodontic team to reform her face. After 2,500 tears, Myrtis comes alive again!
This exhibition shows how important the evolution of technology is for many scientific fields. The photography exhibition will be hosted in the Arrival Level, Gate 1, from June 1st to December 31st, 2010. In September, Myrtis will be moved to the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. The area is accessible to all visitors 24 hours a day. After that, the exhibition will travel to the Archaeological Museum of Volos and the University of Missouri, USA.
Posted by: Greeka.com on May 26, 2010