Athens Classic Marathon 2009
The Athens Classic Marathon will be held for the 27th time this year, on November 8th. Gradually, this competition has emerged into one of the biggest sport events in Greece. After the successful organization in 2007, I.A.A.F. (International Association of Athletics Federations) included the Athens Classic Marathon in the International Marathon category I.A.A.F. Silver Label. This year, the participation is bigger and the Greek marathon operation team believes that the participants will be more than 11,000 at the end of the sign up period, a record number for the event data. A considerable fact is that this year almost half participants are coming from abroad, just to live the experience of this classic marathon route.
The classic route begins from Marathon, the battlefield between the Athenians and the Persians, and ends in Kallimarmaro Stadium, in the centre of Athens, covering a distance of about 42 km. The Marathon Route starts at 9.00 pm but athletes should be at the starting point about 2 hours before. A 5 km and a 10 km match will also take place, with Kallimarmaro Stadium as starting and terminal point. Also, some shorter matches will be available for kids and athletes with mental deficiency. Two days before the courses, on November 6th-7th, there will be a Marathon exhibition open at Zappeion Megaron.
More info at: Athens Classic Marathon